The experimental program includes studies at both the LHRI research laboratory in London, Ontario and at the Eurostim laboratory in Montpellier, France.
Phase 5 experimental program:
At the LHRI under the direction of Nicolas Bouisset, supervised by Alexandre Legros
- Study on the oculo-vestibular reflex during a local exposure to 100 mT 60 Hz
- Study of the stimulation threshold of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), tested on the arm or the leg. This study requires the construction of new coils. This PNS threshold study will be the first at 50-60 Hz and will fill a gap in the current ICNIRP and IEEE limits.
At Eurostim under the direction of Andres Carvalo, supervised by Alexandre Legros
- Replication of the magnetophosphenes threshold study (20, 50, 60 and 100 Hz), with study of pupillary dilation, EEG and memory
- Study of the threshold of direct impact of neural networks and brain functions (memory, EEG) at 50 and 60 Hz and up to 100 mT, with coils similar to those used at LHRI.
- Study of electrophosphenes (luminous perceptions induced by the application of an alternating current via electrodes placed on the head).